Bayonets German
German WWI S98 Pattern Bayonet, Haenel Mfg 1905, Unit Marked Guard
Bayonets German
German WWI S98 Pattern Bayonet, Haenel Mfg 1905, Unit Marked Guard

Item #67621 : Original period manufacture. Standard quill-back blade, S98 pattern bayonet, made by Haenel with an 05 crown W proof on the spine. Unit marked on the guard, 136 R E.2.216, (Lothringisches Infanterie Regiment Nr.136 Strassburg XV Armee Korps). The polished steel blade is clean, few nicks on the edge below the point. Original wood grips but they appear to have been re-varnished at some point in the past. Correct German military proofs on the opening of the scabbard throat. Basically intact stitching on the black leather body, with some evidence of widening of the stitch threads near the throat. Steel patina finish to the throat and chape.
Photos of Bayonets German German WWI S98 Pattern Bayonet, Haenel Mfg 1905, Unit Marked Guard