Medals British
British, Crimean War Medal Grouping, Admiral Honorable S.T. Carnegie, CB, Royal Navy
Medals British
British, Crimean War Medal Grouping, Admiral Honorable S.T. Carnegie, CB, Royal Navy

Item #61409 : Original period manufacture. A fine grouping of medals awarded to Admiral, The Honorable Swynfen Thomas Carnegie (1813-1879), third son of William, 7th Earl of Northesk, third in command at Trafalgar. S.T.Carnegie entered the Royal Navy at age 13 in 1826, rising to the rank of Commander in 1838. In command of HMS Castor, he saw action off of Spain 1835-37 and was awarded the Order of Ferdinand. Served as a member of Parliament 1841-47. Promoted to Captain in 1845 while commanding HMS Horatio. During the Baltic & Crimea actions 1854-1855 he commanded HMS Tribune on the attack of Fort Constantine and the destruction of a fort on the coast of Circassia. He later commanded HMS Leander and HMS Edinburgh. He was created a Companion of the Bath and was awarded the Order of the Medijidie in 1855. He was promoted to Full Admiral in 1876. We purchased this grouping several years ago, first offered at a Sotheby's auction in November 1994, and again at a DNW auction, as lot 4, May 17th 2016 (most of the historical information here is courtesy of Noonan's Auction London archive). At some point prior to our purchase, the gold CB (1815 era) and the Order of St.Ferdinand were split from the grouping and sold separately. The remaining medals consist of the Turkish Order of Medijidie 4th Class, silver and gold, Baltic Medal 1854-55 unnamed as issued, Crimea 1-clasp Sebastopol, unnamed as issued, a wonderful set of five miniatures in silver, gold and enamels to include all but the Spanish award, with the silver mounting bar marked E&E Emanuel on the reverse. Lastly, a silver plaque removed from a contemporary wooden display case which once housed the medals, reading as follows, "ADM'L THE HON'BLE S.T. CARNEGIE, CB, DIED NOV'R 29TH 1879. All of the medals and awards are in very fine condition, with their original ribbons, which can be clearly seen in the DNW auction photo.
Photos of Medals British British, Crimean War Medal Grouping, Admiral Honorable S.T. Carnegie, CB, Royal Navy