British & French, King & Country Napoleonic Series, Black Watch-Cuirassiers, 19 Figures, Retired
This item is listed for historical interest only. It was listed on our site previously but has
been sold and is no longer available for purchase.
Sold for: $495.00
British & French, King & Country Napoleonic Series, Black Watch-Cuirassiers, 19 Figures, Retired
This item is listed for historical interest only. It was listed on our site previously but has
been sold and is no longer available for purchase.
Sold for: $495.00
Original period manufacture. A nice lot of 19 King & Country figures from the Napoleonic collection, all purchased by yours truly about 15 years ago; so most if not all of the figures are long retired.The lot consistsof 8 Black Watch figures, including a mounted officer, and 11 French Cuirassiers. All of them have been sitting in an encloseddisplay case for the time I have owned them. Sadly the boxes are long gone, casualties of our great move to the desert about 10 years ago.
Photos of British & French, King & Country Napoleonic Series, Black Watch-Cuirassiers, 19 Figures, Retired