German Luger P08 Accessories
German WWI P08 Luger Holster, Unit Marked, 181 Rgt, 1913
German Luger P08 Accessories
German WWI P08 Luger Holster, Unit Marked, 181 Rgt, 1913

Item #67675 : Original period manufacture. Original brown finish with unit markings on the lower edge of the flap, 181.R. Inside the flap can be seen the year date of 1913, with a makers mark on the upper edge of the holster body. The leather has not been heavily oiled, or crushed or otherwise damaged. The only issue is the bottom of the left side belt loop stitching is loose. Of note, the 181st regiment served with the German 40th Infantry Division during WWI, and in June-August 1918 encountered the AEF's 3rd Infantry Division.
Photos of German Luger P08 Accessories German WWI P08 Luger Holster, Unit Marked, 181 Rgt, 1913