German WWI REPLICA Uniform & Equipment Grouping
This item is listed for historical interest only. It was listed on our site previously but has
been sold and is no longer available for purchase.
Sold for: $1495.00
German WWI REPLICA Uniform & Equipment Grouping
This item is listed for historical interest only. It was listed on our site previously but has
been sold and is no longer available for purchase.
Sold for: $1495.00
Current era manufacture. A long-time reenactor and living history Pard has asked us to sell his replica WWI German uniforms and equipment for him, as he no longer is doing WWI events. The grouping is quite extensive and of excellent quality with most of the items showing minimal wear. The lot includes the following items, all are reproductions unless stated otherwise; M1915 pickelhaube with removable cover, complete with cockades and chinstrap, no spike as correct for field wear, 1915 enlisted bluse size 40-42, 1910 pattern bluse with original buttons same size, 2 enlisted field caps, leather belt with original buckle, gasmask and canister, late war gasmask pouch set, 2 breadbags 1 gray, 1 ocher, 2 sets of ammunition pouches 1 pair original, 1 pair reproduction, canteen & cover, ocher shelter half, 2 leather shovel covers, leather bayonet frog, original aluminum cup, hobnail boots in size 9-9.5, 2 cotton shirts 1 white, 1 blue, 3 reproduction stick grenades, 1 cloth ammo bandoleer, an assortment of leather equipment straps. The coats were from Hessen Antiques, and the boots were made by Missouri Boot & Shoe. As stated above all of the items are in sound condition, one minor repair on the side of the one of the boots. No holes or major staining, no moth issues. What you pay our friend receives except for credit card fees.
Photos of German WWI REPLICA Uniform & Equipment Grouping