German WWII Heer Soldbuch & Documents
This item is listed for historical interest only. It was listed on our site previously but has
been sold and is no longer available for purchase.
Sold for: $125.00
German WWII Heer Soldbuch & Documents
This item is listed for historical interest only. It was listed on our site previously but has
been sold and is no longer available for purchase.
Sold for: $125.00
Original era manufacture. A well filled out soldbuch to a 29 year old soldier who served with 9th Company, Fortress Infantry Regiment 899. Inoculations, clothing and equipment issue and so on. Not much in the awards and medals department. The extra documents include a soldiers letter, 1943 calendar and ration coupons. Typical wear and use for an article which was carried in a soldiers pocket.
Photos of German WWII Heer Soldbuch & Documents