German WWII Postcard, Unsere Waffen-SS Series, Ausschau nach dem Feind
This item is listed for historical interest only. It was listed on our site previously but has
been sold and is no longer available for purchase.
Sold for: $35.00
German WWII Postcard, Unsere Waffen-SS Series, Ausschau nach dem Feind
This item is listed for historical interest only. It was listed on our site previously but has
been sold and is no longer available for purchase.
Sold for: $35.00
Original period manufacture. An SS observerstanding on a knocked-out Soviet tank. No postal cancellation. Stock photo, just as clean as shown. One available. Foto SS-Kriegsberichter Ege.
Photos of German WWII Postcard, Unsere Waffen-SS Series, Ausschau nach dem Feind