Medals US, Civil War Through World War I
US Post Civil War, West Virginia Veterans Medal, 9th Infantry Regiment
Medals US, Civil War Through World War I
US Post Civil War, West Virginia Veterans Medal, 9th Infantry Regiment

Item #59694 : Original era manufacture. A very clean example of a medal established in 1866, to honor the soldiers of West Virginia who fought for the Union during the Civil War. Named on the edge to Aaron Thompson, Musician, 9th Infantry Rgt. Raised in 1861, the 9th WV Infantry suffered the loss of 99 Officers and Men, killed or mortally wounded, and an additional 108 men to disease during the war. A very re-searchable medal to a soldier who served as a Fifer or Drummer. Fraying to the original ribbon. Ninth Infantry. -- Cols., Leonard Skinner, Isaac H. Duval; Lieut.Cols., William C. Starr, John S. P. Carroll, Majs., Isaac H. Duval Benjamin M. Skinner, Leonard Skinner.The formation of this regiment was commenced in Sept., 1861, by K. V. Whaley. The first company organized was stationed at Guyandotte, Va., where it was attacked by the Confederates under Jenkins in November and all were killed, wounded or captured except 3 or 4 men.Soon after this other companies were formed and the regiment was completed about the last of Feb., 1862 when it was mustered in for three years. From that time until the following September it was stationed at various places in the Kanawha valley.It was then assigned to Gen. Milroy's command, with which it remained until May, 1863, when it was ordered to the Kanawha valley. It fought at Cloyd's Mountain and in May, 1864, joined Gen. Crook with whom it took part in the Shenandoah Valley campaign until Nov. 9, 1864, when it was consolidated with the 5th regiment to form the 1st veteran infantry.A list of the battles in which it took part includes Cloyd's mountain, New River bridge, Lexington, Lynchburg, Carter's farm, Winchester (2), Martinsburg, Halltown, Berryville, Fisher's hill and Cedar creek.
Photos of Medals US, Civil War Through World War I US Post Civil War, West Virginia Veterans Medal, 9th Infantry Regiment