Mexican Cavalry Sword, ASCO Republic of Mexico
This item is listed for historical interest only. It was listed on our site previously but has
been sold and is no longer available for purchase.
Sold for: $425.00
Mexican Cavalry Sword, ASCO Republic of Mexico
This item is listed for historical interest only. It was listed on our site previously but has
been sold and is no longer available for purchase.
Sold for: $425.00
Original era manufacture. French influenced design cavalry model sword with a modified guard now showing a single rather than basket hilt. Very nicely hand stitched leather cover to the grip. The polished steel blade measures 31 inches in length with a slightly clipped point. The ricasso is nicely marked on the obverse with a liberty cap and the letters RM (Repulic of Mexico), on the reverse is marked A.C.(Ames Company)Mexico. The blade has been lightly sharpened with a few nicks in the edge, nothing severe. Simple sheet metal scabbard with two scabbard rings, old black paint on the surface, old repaired crease above the drag.
Photos of Mexican Cavalry Sword, ASCO Republic of Mexico