US Civil War CDV, Navy Officer, New York Backmark
This item is listed for historical interest only. It was listed on our site previously but has
been sold and is no longer available for purchase.
Sold for: $45.00
US Civil War CDV, Navy Officer, New York Backmark
This item is listed for historical interest only. It was listed on our site previously but has
been sold and is no longer available for purchase.
Sold for: $45.00
Original period manufacture. Clear sepia image of a young Naval officer holding his hat prominently before him.Theemblem on the hat is a horizontal fouled anchor. In the US Navy this would indicate the rank of Ensign, but with a wreath encircling the anchor, so, perhaps he is a Merchant serviceofficer. New York photographers on the reverse, K.W. Beniczky.
Photos of US Civil War CDV, Navy Officer, New York Backmark